South West Australia reforestation
South West Australia is one of only 35 globally significant biodiversity hotspots. These are classed as regions that have a high number of plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. These account for 90% of all species on earth. It’s important these areas are protected to ensure their survival and restoration; the South West Australia project is located within a biodiversity hotspot.
It’s a reforestation project that is grown on degraded land that no longer supports viable farming practices. In a region where over 90% of the land has already been cleared, this project is helping to return the environment to its origins, planting more than 60 native tree and shrub species which are matched to the environment.
Biodiversity and Wildlife
This project encourages native animals and plants that have vanished or been pushed to the brink of extinction in the region to return and breed, such as Malleefowl, Bush Stone-curlew, Carnaby’s Cockatoo, Western Spiny-tailed Skink and the Woylie (Brush-tailed Bettong), as well as over 30 species of conservation-significant native plants.

Uruguay reforestation on degraded land
Located in the heart of Uruguay, this project turns land that has been used as beef cattle grazing for over 300 years, into sustainably managed forests. About 80% of Uruguayan land is used for cattle ranching and this has contributed to the degrading of the natural vegetation.
This project converts some of this land into forest plantations, for obtaining high-value, long-life timber products and for capturing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide.
Planted forests will remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it. Over the 60-year initial lifespan of the project, it aims to remove 7,644,973 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Natural Forests and Bio-diversity protected
About 8.6% of Uruguay is forested. According to the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Uruguay has 659 known species of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles, 2.3% of which are only native to the area and 5.6% threatened. To achieve its climate goals and preserve its valuable habitats, Uruguay must take measures to preserve and grow the country’s forests. It has to keep the balance between the demand of the industry for wood, climate and environmental protection. Projects like this can help Uruguay successfully master this challenge.

Nicaforest reforestation project
If you want to read about another of the Carbon Neutral projects we’ve supported then why not have a read of our previous Nicaforest reforestation blog.